Welcome to The Book and Nature Professor. Here you will find my love and passion for reading and reviewing fantasy and science fiction, and my love for animals, and nature. Many of my reviews are indie and/or self published authors, as well as traditional publishers. You will also find writings about nature and my photo collection. It is my intention to create a peaceful place where you will read something that you will enjoy.

Bookish Tidbits will be posts of short reviews on books I have read, but will not be doing a full review. Also included are book cover reveals, book recommendations, and other bookish content. Indie Author corner will have Author Reviews and indie and self-published book information.
My nature writings are observations I make about the natural world. It is not scientific, just what I feel about nature and how it brings me peace and solace.
I will continually add photos to my photo gallery. Information about purchasing prints will be available soon.
I hope you find something you enjoy here in my little corner of the world.
All photos taken by me unless otherwise specified.
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