The Wild Court: The Coming of Aed Book 3

BOOKISH TIDBITS / Wednesday, July 7th, 2021

By: E.G. Radcliff
Genre: YA Fantasy
Publisher: Mythic Prairie Books

Cover Art: Micaela Alcaino (
Expected Publication: Summer 2021

This is the cover for the final installment of the The Coming of Aed Series, The Wild Court. I have read and reviewed this series. It is a beautiful YA series that I absolutely loved. Reading this series, we know that Love is Love, and it is the greatest gift we can give each other.
Click on the cover reveal to purchase the book on Amazon.

BOOK SUMMARY (from Goodreads)
In the seventh year of Áed’s reign, night descends on the autumn festival. But a time of revelry turns into one of fiery destruction—as fae pour across the veil and the Gut becomes a battlefield in an otherworldly war.

Determined to protect his kingdom and the people he loves, Áed finds himself catapulted into a realm as unfamiliar as it is dangerous, where magic is king and wild courts vie for supremacy.

While the faerie Queen’s missing consort holds the key to life and death, tenuous alliances raise questions about Áed’s connection to the mysterious Bone court. His survival hinges on cunning as much as illusion.

On a mission like no other, only one thing is certain: no one will survive unscathed.

E.G. Radcliff is a part-time pooka and native of the Unseelie Court. She collects acorns, glass beads, and pretty rocks, and the crows outside her house know her as She Who Has Bread. Her fantasy novels are crafted in the dead of night after offering sacrifices of almonds and red wine to the writing-block deities.

You can reach her by scrying bowl, carrier pigeon, or @egradcliff on social media.
Click here for E.G. Radcliff’s website.
Twitter: @EgRadcliff

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