A Strange and Stubborn Endurance

Book Reviews

By: Foz Meadows Genre: Adult Romance Fantasy/LGBTQIAPublisher: TOR Books Content Warning (as per the author): Sexual assault, suicidal ideation, and self-harm In A Strange and Stubborn Endurance, Foz Meadows has created an excellent multi-faceted romantic fantasy. With its slow burn romance, magic, world building, political intrigue, and complete character arcs, A Strange and Stubborn Endurance […]

August 7, 2022

Divinity’s Twilight: Rebirth

Book Reviews

By: Christopher Russell Series: Divinity’s Twilight #1Genre: Epic Fantasy/Steampunk/Military FantasyPublisher: Morgan James Publishing Content/Trigger Warnings: Shown on page: Fantasy violence, Death, Mild gore, Racism, Bullying, Vomiting. Alluded to: Slavery, Genocide, Child abuse, Starvation, Prostitution, Drug/alcohol use “Such is the tale in its entirety, and though it may only be a myth, it is certainly a […]

August 2, 2022

Violet Made of Thorns

Book Reviews

By: Gina Chen Genre: YA Fantasy (14+) Publisher: Random House, Delacorte Press Violet Made of Thorns, by Gina Chen, was an enjoyable YA fantasy. It is a fantasy romance of enemies to lovers, a touch of darkness, a dangerous prophecy, magic, court intrigue, and excellent chemistry between the characters. Violet is a seer who can […]

July 31, 2022

The Book of Gothel

Book Reviews

By: Mary McMyne Genre: Fantasy Publisher: Orbit Books “Everything you look at can become a fairy tale and you can get a story from everything you touch.” Hans Christian Andersen What exactly is a “fairy tale”? According to the dictionary it is a “story (as for children) involving fantastic forces and beings (such as fairies, wizards, […]

July 25, 2022

Starbinder: An Eye of Eternity Novella

Book Reviews

By: Mark Timmony Genre: Fantasy Publisher: Ravenhawk Publishing “But it is not my story you come seeking, oh no. It is hers…Not mine. No, never mine.Come then stranger and hear the advent of the Queen of Stars.” Mark Timmony, Starbinder Starbinder, Mark Timmony’s prequel novella to Blood of the Spear packs quite a bit into […]

July 23, 2022

Whispers of Stone: The Last Gift, Book 2

Book Reviews

By: Allegra Pescatore Genre: Gaslamp/Epic Fantasy Publisher: AO Collective Publishing Content/Trigger Warnings:Shown on page: Ableism, Racism, Rape (non-graphic, non-violent), Drug/alcohol use (medically necessary), Child abductionAlluded to: Self harm, Homophobia, Child harm “We have chosen to embark on this path together, Merihem. You told me the risks, and I accept them. If the worst comes to […]

July 14, 2022

A King’s Radiance: Bonds of Kin Book 1

Book Reviews

By: L. R. SchulzGenre: Epic FantasyPublisher: Luke Schulz Publishing (Self Published) Content/Trigger Warnings: Shown on page: Child abduction; Death of a childAlluded to: Slavery; Genocide “To Raize, only one thing was worse than the high-pitched sob of a crying mother: a dozen crying mothers…they were being forced to watch as their children were taken from […]

July 10, 2022

Moroda: The World of Linaria, Book 1

Book Reviews

By: L.L. MacRae Genre: Epic FantasyPublisher: Self-Published, L.L. MacRaePublished: May 30, 2022 (Second Edition) Content Warning: Shown on page: Mild to moderate violence; Some swearing  “For all her brave talk, Moroda was the same helpless child she’d always been. She’d always needed someone to look after her, and a year of forced independence hadn’t changed […]

July 3, 2022

In the Shadow of Lighting, Book One of The Glass Immortals

Book Reviews

By: Brian McClellan Genre: Epic Fantasy Publisher: TOR Books In the Shadow of Lightening, the first book in Brian McClellan’s The Glass Immortals Series, is the start of a gripping epic fantasy. This is the first book I have read by Mr. McClellan and I was thoroughly impressed. The world building and character development are […]

July 2, 2022

The Martyr, Book Two of The Covenant of Steel

Book Reviews

By: Anthony Ryan Genre: Epic Fantasy Publisher: Orbit Books Content Warning: Gore, violence, torture. There will be spoilers for The Pariah Martyr: a person who sacrifices something of great value and especially life itself for the sake of principle The Martyr is the second book in Anthony Ryan’s brilliant Covenant of Steel series. It picks […]

June 28, 2022