The Crowns of Croswald: The Girl with the Whispering Shadow

Book Reviews

By: D.E. NightGenre: Young AdultPublisher: Stories Untold This review will contain spoilers from the first book. I received a copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. This is the second installment of The Crowns of Croswald series. It is the continuing adventures of Ivy Lovely and her friends as she […]

February 18, 2021

The Crowns of Croswald

Book Reviews

By: D.E. NightPublisher: Stories UntoldGenre: Young Adult Fantasy The Crowns of Croswald was a delightful magical ride from start to finish. We meet 16-year-old Ivy Lovely, a scualdron maid in Castle Plum. She dreams of one day of attending the magical school, the Halls of Ivy, and fulfilling her dream to become a scrivenist for […]

January 31, 2021

City of the Plague God

Book Reviews

By: Sarwat ChaddaPublisher: Rick Riordan PresentsGenre: Young Adult “We have been reminded that the only thing that truly matters is keeping our loved ones safe, and that our heroes are often society’s underdogs” Sarwat Chadda City of the Plague God is a beautiful fantasy that combines the gods of Mesopotamia with present day Muslim culture […]

January 23, 2021

Black Sun: Between Earth & Sky #1

Book Reviews

By: Rebecca RoanhorsePublisher: Saga PressGenre: Epic Fantasy “There was magic in the world, pure and simple, things she didn’t understand. Best get used to it.” Rebecca Roanhorse, Black Sun Black Sun is an original, beautiful, and sometimes gritty epic fantasy. The cover art is gorgeous. It draws upon the gods and culture of pre-Columbian America. It […]

January 3, 2021

Aliens in My Garden

Book Reviews

By: Jude GwynairePublisher: Prodigy Gold BooksGenre: Young Adult Fantasy Summary ALIENS IN MY GARDEN takes ALDITHA the witch and HARPER (the talking, though not terribly bright owl) from their usual business serving the residents of the Garden on a path that pits them against SKOROS. The would-be evil wizard is useless at magic, great at […]

November 6, 2020

The Coming of Aed: The Hidden King and The Last Prince

Book Reviews

By: E.G. RadcliffPublisher: Mythic Prairie BooksGenre: Young Adult Fantasy I saw a post on Twitter that asked, “How old do you have to be to stop reading young adult books?” I didn’t answer, but I probably should have. You are never too old to read a book that you enjoy. If it’s a good book, […]

August 29, 2020

The Paternus Trilogy

Book Reviews

“A great book should leave you with many experiences, and slightly exhausted at the end. You live several lives while reading.”― William Styron By: Dyrk AshtonPublisher: Paternus Books MediaGenre: Epic Fantasy/ Urban Fantasy This quote describes the Paternus Trilogy perfectly. It’s only fitting that my first book review is the Paternus Trilogy by Dyrk Ashton. They […]

July 29, 2020

Nature is Always There…

Reflections of Nature

We are now living in a time of new “normals”. Social distancing has become one of them. Of course we know it’s to stop the spread of the coronavirus. This post will not be about the virus. I’m not a doctor or infectious disease specialist, so I am certainly not qualified to dispense any information. […]

March 29, 2020

Earth Day 2018

Reflections of Nature

Today is Earth Day. I’ve always wondered why we have only one day where we “celebrate” the earth. It’s something we should do every single day. Yes, I know it sounds cliche, Earth Day Everyday, but it’s one of those cliches that is true. I believe our most pressing problems are the damage we are doing […]

April 23, 2018

Was the Groundhog Right?

Reflections of Nature

The first day of spring, I woke up and snow was falling peacefully. Winter is not giving up easy this year. I didn’t have to go out, so it’s easy to look outside and see how beautiful it was. Driving, shoveling, plowing, and cold certainly can make one weary of the season. I suppose unless […]

March 30, 2018